Peyton, the school bully, has had a complete change of heart after witnessing violence at home.
(Warning: Using this monologue without permission is illegal, as is reproducing it on a website or in print in any way.)
Last night, my dad left the halfway house, came over and punched my mom in the face a bunch until she picked up a knife out of the sink and stuck it in his arm. Which is...he's okay. I mean, he's not dead or anything, but the way she looked when...he's gonna be in the hospital for a bit 'cause she hit an artery, and then he's going back inside. It's a violation of his condition of release or something, so there isn't even going to be a trial or nothing. The thing is...when she did it, I wasn't...I saw them fight, you know, before he—I mean, the first time. They fought a bunch, but she was always them fighting. The two of them, it's how they were. Last night, I looked at her face—and I thought she was going to kill him. Stab him in the neck, or the heart. And I didn't feel bad about it. Not one bit. I just thought: took you long enough, Momma.
Don't tell anyone.
Never mind, say whatever. I figure everyone will know in a day or two anyway. They always do.