Musical. Book by Jonathan Dorf, music and lyrics by Alison Wood, based on the one-act play 4 A.M. by Jonathan Dorf. 75-85 minutes. 4+ females, 4+ males (8-40+ performers possible). Suitable for high school or older performers, and middle school or older audiences.
Note about the score: AÂ perusal copy of the score that may be printed once is included as part of a Digital Perusal Script, while printed scripts contain a link to a non-printable digital perusal copy of the score. A score that may be printed, copied and used in performance comes with the order of a Production Copy License (or a Classroom Copy license for classroom study only).
Note about backing tracks:Â We have reached an arrangement with a past production for the use of their recorded tracks. They are not quite an exact representation of the original score (they are close, though), but the composer has approved them for use until we develop a set of our own.
4 A.M. was first produced at Cambridge-Isanti High School (Cambridge, MN).
What's it like to be awake when the rest of your world is asleep? Meet early morning joggers, a lonely short-wave radio DJ, a modern Romeo and Juliet, the writer of a most unusual letter, and numerous other teen characters. Through a series of songs, scenes and monologues, they'll survive lonely nights and sleepovers, discover whether the Monster Under the Bed is real and maybe even find an answer to that all-important question: "Is anybody out there?"
"Jonathan Dorf and Alison Wood's 4 A.M. the musical is a great show for teens. It is fast-paced, has great character development and the music appeals to all audiences. The staging and costumes are simple enough for any budget, yet you still get the full musical experience." - Kelly Fairchild-Fahrni, Cambridge-Isanti High School (Cambridge, MN)