A bundle of twelve full-length adaptations: Alice in Wonderland (and back again) by Randy Wyatt; Anne of Green Gables by Donna Hoke; Enemy | Flint by Diana Burbano; A Girl of the Limberlost by Marie Kohler; Great Expectations by Rocco Natale; Jill Trent: Science Sleuth by Paul Lewis and Carissa Meisner Smit; The Jungle Book by Callan Stout; Little Women by Isabella Russell-Ides; Long Joan Silver by Arthur M. Jolly; Pride & Prejudice by Claire Wittman; The Secret Garden by Isabella Russell-Ides and Whirligig by John Newman.
Performance rights and cast copies for any individual play should be purchased through that play's page.
Twelve full-length adaptations ranging from classics to serial comics to build up your script library.