Dramedy. 5-8 minutes. 1 female, 1 any gender. Suitable for upper elementary and older performers, and upper elementary and middle school audiences.
Playing Gamespremiered at South Coast Repertory's 5th-6th 1st Year Youth Conservatory.
Emerald and Lou can't stand each other—and that's even tougher if you're stepsiblings. But when Emerald rages at a frustratingly hard video game and Lou happens to hold the key to success, is there an opportunity for these frenemy combatants to reach a truce?
Emerald and Lou can't stand each other—and that's even tougher if you're stepsiblings. But when Emerald rages at a frustratingly hard video game and Lou happens to hold the key to success, is there an opportunity for these frenemy combatants to reach a truce?