After the Nightmare

from Rumors of Polar Bears (full-length version) by Jonathan Dorf

Genre: Drama
Cast Breakdown: 2 females, 1 male

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Three teens have camped in a deserted cabin for the night. Romulus, mid-teens, is in the middle of a nightmare. Deme, his older sister, and Scrubs, younger and the Anybodys of their little group, look on as he tosses and turns.

(Warning: Using this scene without permission is illegal, as is reproducing it on a website or in print in any way.)

ROMULUS: (In his sleep:) Sorry. I'm sorry. Cassie, please... [etc.]

SCRUBS: You gonna shake him before the whole world hears?

DEME: Quiet as quiet can be out there.

SCRUBS: I can be quiet. Don't mean I ain't there.

(Beat. Deme nudges Romulus awake.)

DEME: You were dreamin' again.

SCRUBS: Screamin' more like it. Cassie, I'm sorry. Cassie, please.

DEME: You got anything like a heart in there?

SCRUBS: Ripped it out. Better that way.

ROMULUS: (Beat.) I always want to have one. If I don't, just as soon be dead.

SCRUBS: If ya do, gonna get you dead.

ROMULUS: (Beat.) You think they're out there?

DEME: Who?

ROMULUS: The people that live here.

SCRUBS: Well they ain't in here.

DEME: You mean are they still...


DEME: Dunno. But when's the last time you saw somebody past 20?

ROMULUS: They gotta be out there. (Beat.) That man. The man from New San Francisco.

SCRUBS: Ghost man.

DEME: Over twelve had to fight.

SCRUBS: Twelve to fight to dead.

ROMULUS: I'm makin' it past twenty. (Beat.) To infinity and beyond! What's that from? I think it's something I heard when I was little. But I don't remember what it was.

(Romulus picks up a coloring book that's been partly colored in.)

They had kids. (Beat.) Didn't finish.

(Romulus puts down the book. Scrubs grabs it and looks. Beat.)

SCRUBS: Let's finish it!

ROMULUS: With what?

(Scrubs rummages and finds a trio of crayons.)

SCRUBS: Crayons! I love crayons!

DEME: When you seen a crayon?

SCRUBS: Back in the day. 64 colors Crayola. Built-in sharpener. (Beat.) We ain't all fancy pants like you with a TV and books. (Beat as she starts to color:) They only got yellow, blue and red.


SCRUBS: I'm just finishing it.

ROMULUS: Don't. (Beat.) Someday if they come back, maybe the first thing they'll wanna do is finish coloring, only they'll see it's colored in. And maybe that's all they been thinkin' about the whole time, and we took that away from them.

SCRUBS: Finders keepers.

ROMULUS: I know. But this is different.

(Beat. Scrubs puts down the coloring book. Beat.)

I miss my watch.

DEME: It didn't even work.

ROMULUS: I can still miss it.

SCRUBS: I miss the party pool...and getting in before you!

ROMULUS: Did not!

SCRUBS: Did always! (Sort of singing:) Friday night is party night.

(She waits for someone to join in, but nobody does.)

Make the work week come out right. (Beat.) Reckon they got the spa? When they got New San Francisco, you think they killed the spa too?

DEME: Scrubs!

SCRUBS: Sorry. Adam said I was trouble with legs. (Beat.) Maybe if we don't think so much... (Beat.) Ain't nothin' tryin' to dead us this very sec. (Encouraging:) Friday night is... Friday night is...

DEME: (Sort of singing:) Party night. Make the work week come out right. (Not singing:) I can't sing.

SCRUBS: He can't neither.

ROMULUS: I can too. (Singing:) Friday night—

ROMULUS, SCRUBS & DEME: is party night.

Make the work week come out right.

(The conversation stalls.)

SCRUBS: I thought I heard a bird. Day before yesterday.

ROMULUS: Me too.

SCRUBS: Hoot hoot hoot.

ROMULUS: It was caw caw caw.



(They dance around each other, making rival "hoot" and "caw" sounds.)

DEME: Quiet down.

SCRUBS: Road is still.

ROMULUS: Still still.

DEME: Stop! (Beat.) Get some sleep. Gotta make the daylight count.

ROMULUS: You sleep. I had enough dreams tonight.

DEME: You see that dawn start to wake, you shake me.

(Scrubs and Deme settle in to sleep while Romulus watches. Long beat.)

SCRUBS: Maybe I got a little piece, a little piece of heart that I'm savin', hopin' I gotta use for it someday.

ROMULUS: Figured.

SCRUBS: Why ya say that?

ROMULUS: 'Cause you're smart like that.

SCRUBS: Whatever. (Beat.) 'Night.

ROMULUS: 'Night.