Glory, Hank, and Chopper

from The Ghosts of Pineville by Jeremy Kisling and Sara Turner

Genre: Comedy
Cast Breakdown: 1 female, 2 males

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Chopper, Hank and Glory, all 12, have entered a spooky old house in pursuit of clues regarding the disappearance of Simon Stillwater, a local boy. As the trio explores, they begin to realize that all is not what it seems in the town of Pineville...

(Warning: Using this scene without permission is illegal, as is reproducing it on a website or in print in any way.)

CHOPPER: See, it's not so bad. It's dark, cold, full of cobwebs and smells, but other than that it's just a house.

GLORY: A lovely home. Let's hope it has some answers about Simon's disappearance.

HANK: Let's set up that Ouija board thingy of yours and see if it works.

GLORY: Sure!

(They set the board down on the floor.)

Okay, now set your fingers on the pointer, and we'll ask the ghost questions and wait for them to respond.

CHOPPER: You don't expect that thing to work, do you? Come on, we're here to scout out clues, like an actual investigation.

(Chopper begins to look around.)

GLORY: And don't move it. Let the ghost do that.

HANK: You ask it a question.

GLORY: Simon? Are you here? Can you hear us? Do you want to talk to us?

HANK: That was a lot of questions...

GLORY: Quiet, let's see if he answers.

(Chopper crosses over and looks down at them and the board. He goes to explore some more of the house.)

CHOPPER: Told you it wouldn't work.

HANK: Maybe we didn't ask the right question. Ask about Emily—see if her ghost is here.

GLORY: Is there a ghost here named Emily? Emily Van Warren?

HANK: Van Warren? I thought it was Van Wart?

GLORY: You've been listening to Roger too much. (Looks at board:) Read the file; it's Van Warren. She lived in this house before Simon and went missing.

HANK: Wait, what?! She lived here?

GLORY: Don't tell Chopper, but I've never really gotten this thing to work.

HANK: So, let me get this straight—we're in a house where kids go missing?!

GLORY: Yes, and you made a good point, Hank. Maybe we're asking the wrong questions—

HANK: That wasn't my point!

GLORY: Maybe there's something else, someone else here, taking kids...

HANK: Maybe we should go!

GLORY: SSSHH! Is there a ghost here who can tell us about Simon Stillwater and Emily Van Warren's disappearance?

(Pointer moves to YES.)

HANK: It moved!!! Look, look, it's moving. It's pointing to yes! Chopper, it moved!!

CHOPPER: (Re-entering:) Look what I found in the kitchen: it's a box with some weird stuff in it.

GLORY: IT WORKED!! It pointed to yes!

CHOPPER: No way! Quick, ask it another question. (To the board:) Who took Simon from his parents?

GLORY: Just ask yes or no questions!


GLORY: They're easier to answer.

CHOPPER: I just want to know what happened to Simon!

HANK: It's moving! The pointer thingy is moving again.

(The pointer is indeed moving...)

GLORY: A...T...

HANK: It's spelling something!

GLORY: T...I...C...

HANK: Attic!! It spelled out attic!

(At that moment, we hear a thump, thump, thump coming from above.)

CHOPPER: I guess we need to check out the attic.

HANK: I think I'll stay here, if you don't mind. Not sure I'm up for being snatched by some ghost in an attic.

CHOPPER: Suit yourself. Glory, you coming?

GLORY: Well, no guts, no glory—right?

CHOPPER: Seriously?

GLORY: Oh, come on—I had to say it before someone else did!

(Chopper and Glory exit and reenter into the attic. Shortly after, Hank exits the stage. In the attic is a closet door and chair with the Supernatural Book sitting in it.)

Well, here we are... Ghosts, are you here?

CHOPPER: Like that's going to work.

GLORY: Who made you the expert? The Ouija board worked! Hey, you said something about a box?

CHOPPER: Right—look at this. I found it in the kitchen. It has a locket, some glasses, a pencil and a comb in it—weird right?

GLORY: Very. Do you think this is Simon's stuff?

CHOPPER: Not sure, but the weird thing is there's no dust or cobwebs or anything. Everything in the house is covered with dust, but not this. Here, take a look.

(Glory looks in the box and pulls out the glasses.)

GLORY: These look like Simon's glasses from the picture in your file. Put them on.

(Chopper does so. A light from the attic storage room door begins to glow.)

CHOPPER: Why? It seems a little creepy.

GLORY: This locket. It's not something a boy would have. It looks like a girl's locket.

(Glory slips the locket over her head.)

I'll bet these items were keepsakes—they might be important to Simon and Emily. If we put them on, maybe we can get them to appear.

CHOPPER: Maybe...but it still feels creepy.