Genre: Drama
Cast Breakdown: 3 females, 1 male
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Teens June and James have been best friends since they were kids, but now she's so into competitive cheerleading that she's neglecting their friendship. Now he's dating her most hated cheerleading rival, Kennedy.
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(The gym. June and Gabi help base a simple stunt in the gym, or have just finished something. Kennedy oversees the stunt and seems slightly more cheerful than usual.)
KENNEDY: Wow. That didn't suck. Take five and then we'll try the whole sequence!
(June and Gabi walk off to the side together to grab a drink of water.)
JUNE: Oh my God, did I just hear Kennedy give us...a tiny crumb of praise?
GABI: You heard it too? I was beginning to think I was having a hallucination.
JUNE: I think the team is getting...tighter.
GABI: That, or Kennedy is getting looser.
JUNE: Impossible!
GABI: Maaaaybe she's back on anti-anxiety medication...or she got laid.
JUNE: (Shushing her:) Shhhh! Whatever! Kennedy has never had a boyfriend. They're against her rules.
GABI: Speaking of boyfriends...
(James has walked into the gym and awkwardly shuffles around, looking at the floor.)
JUNE: Oh my God! Finally!
(She rushes over to him.)
James! I've been trying to call you! I must have texted you 100 times! I'm so, so, so sorry I—
JAMES: (Interrupting:) Save it. If I wanted to hear it, I would have answered one of your calls.
JUNE: But you don't understand, I was just having the absolute worst day and I couldn't catch a break.
JAMES: Because you stayed late at the gym?
JUNE: Well, I...I went to the school. I did! I just got there too late.
JAMES: How was smoothie smappy hour?
JUNE: How did you know about...?
JAMES: Look! It's not important. I told myself I wouldn't get into it, that I wouldn't talk to you about it...but here I am.
JUNE: James, please, please don't stay angry at me. I really need you right now and—
JAMES: No, dude! I needed you! This was the one time I've asked you for anything. You promised me. You looked me right in the eye and you promised me. I spent the whole damn set looking for you in the audience. I couldn't concentrate. We lost to that idiot Mr. ComputerHands the iPad DJ. We had a whole band and he had one freaking tablet and WE LOST TO HIM.
JUNE: I'm so sorry, I bet you guys were awesome.
JAMES: June, I don't want to know what you think. I'm sick of wondering what you think. I've been going out of my mind this past month. You may have texted and called me a lot the past few days, but before that—radio silence.
JUNE: Dude, you know the deal! I've been here!
JAMES: Except on Friday night.
JUNE: That was the one time! I admitted that that was totally and completely my fault.
JAMES: Look, I think it's better if we don't see each other for a little while.
(June is completely stunned.)
JUNE: What...? Well, why did you come here?
JAMES: I, um, I didn't come here to see you.
(Kennedy has spied James from across the room and comes bounding over.)
KENNEDY: (Squealing in an uncharacteristically girly way:) James!
(Kennedy and James share a brief hug, Kennedy initiating it.)
KENNEDY: I got your text. My mom says I can go out after practice is over.
JUNE: What is this? April Fools?
KENNEDY: Can you butt out for a minute, June? I need to talk to my friend.
JUNE: Your friend? Woah. No. This is not happening.
(June drags James away from Kennedy.)
James, what the hell do you think you're doing?
JAMES: Whatever I want to do, June! You don't have exclusive friend rights over me.
JUNE: I think I can have some say over this one specific situation—she's a sociopath, remember? If this is a joke, an intervention—I get it! I've learned my lesson. Stop playing around.
JAMES: It's not a joke. Kennedy's really not that bad once you get to know her. She came to the show on Friday and we hung out afterward. Besides, I told you. I think we should take a break. You're obviously busy—
JUNE: Not. That. Bad?! Whatever! Whatever. This is ridiculous.
JAMES: You've already made your choice, June. Now let me make mine!
JUNE: FINE! Enjoy your neurotic mis-matched bliss! I've got to get back on the mat.